Physical references

Find more on therapy and orthopedics, Medical Supplies and Healthcare.

MedX Corporation
Exercise and rehabilitative equipment for physical therapy. Located in Ocala, Florida.
Smith Truss, Inc.
Manufacturer of soft orthopedic support products including back, knee and wrist supports. Products are sold to industrial safety and sports medicine companies and to the medical industry.
Ecommerce source for physical and occupational therapy equipment and supplies.
Restorative Care of America, Inc.
Manufacturer of orthotic devices. Parent/holding company with a high-tech operating unit that manufactures orthopedic braces. Products are sold to hospitals and home care dealers. This company was capitalized by private investment.
Generation II USA, Inc.
Manufacturer of knee braces. Products are sold to the medical industry.
Ortholine Meditech
Manufacturer and exporter of orthopedic medical devices and instrument containers.
Altimate Medical
Manufacturer of medical stands used for rehabilitative care and home health care by individuals who use walkers. Products are sold to the medical industry.
North Coast Medical, Inc.
Manufacturer of physical therapy equipment. Parent/holding company of a high-tech operating unit also involved in manufacturing physical therapy equipment. Products are sold to the healthcare industry.
Ecommerce source for physical and rehabilitative therapy equipment such as nerve stimulators, electrodes, continuous passive motion devices, braces and orthotics.
Seattle Orthopedic Group
Manufacturer of artificial lower limbs and components as well as orthotic devices and braces for the treatment of sports-related injuries. The company also manufactures CAD/CAM workstations used by manufacturers of prosthetics. This company wa.
General Physiotherapy, Inc.
Manufacturer of percussors, massage machines and muscle stimulators. The percussors are used to break up congestion in the lungs. This company also manufactures personal soft goods including moisture lotions, barrier creams and topical analges.
Exactech, Inc.
Orthopedic implant devices and related surgical instruments.
Faretec, Inc.
Manufacturer of orthopedic devices including braces and splints. Products are sold to multiple industries. This company was capitalized by private investment.
A-T Surgical Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Manufacturer of orthopedic fixation devices, elastic supports, knee braces and back braces. Products are sold to the medical industry.
PMT Corp.
Manufacturer of medical devices for use in the orthopedic, plastic surgery and neurosurgical industries. The company is also a manufacturer of disposable surgical instruments, tissues expanders and epilepsy electrodes. Products are sold to hos.
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