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| Pediatric Infectious Diseases Selected bibliography of medical literature citations for pediatric infectious diseases. |   |
Pediatric Teaching Resources at Kansas Information organized by heart defect and links to lectures and teaching resources organized by type. |   | |
Pedinfo Overview Pediatric manifestations of a clinical entity, or have pediatric components of obvious value to the care of patients in the pediatric age group. |   | |
Pedbase Pediatric Database at Western Ontario Pedbase contains descriptions of childhood illnesses. Information on each disorder in this Database has been obtained from at least 3 sources including Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, the Birth Defects Encyclopedia and from either journal article. |   | |
Family Practice Handbook - Pediatrics Information on neonatal syndromes, such as encopresis, respiratory topics, resuscitation, hematologic, metabolic, gastrointestinal and congenital infections. |   | |
Children's Safety Network Provides resources and technical assistance to maternal and child health agencies and other organizations seeking to reduce unintentional injuries and violence to children and adolescents. |   | |
Pediatric News: Medical News Headlines Link to Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine current contents, past issues and instruction to authors. |   | |
LSUHSC Pediatrics Department MedPeds program description, links to residents, faculty, facilities, medical genetics, conference schedule, allied health pharmacology and pediatric links. |   | |
Family Doctor General information for patients and consumers in the area of family medicine. Includes health tips, drug information and a U.S. family physician directory. |   | |
APGAR Scoring for Newborns Activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, and respiration measures as indicators for the well-being of the newborn. Links to other information sources regarding childbirth. |   | |
ElectricAirway: Upper Airway Problems in Children Descriptions include airway anatomy, croup, acute epiglottitis, subglottic stenosis, tracheo/laryngomalacia, and case studies. |   | |
Pediatric Imaging Teaching Files Radiographic images, clinical history, findings, diagnosis and discussion. |   | |
Pediatric Outpatient Medication Doses Common therapeutic treatments for frequently diagnosed pediatric disease symptoms. |   | |
Problems of Newborns Symptoms organized by primary clinical presentation followed by lists of common and less common causes for the problem. |   | |
Common Pediatric Illnesses Rationale, prerequisites, learning objectives and competencies. |   | |