Family resources

Also about the topics: medicine magazines, Health practices and Healthcare.

Canadian Family Physician
Source of research, continuing medical education and debate in family medicine, with the intention of encouraging improved patient care and the academic development of the discipline.
Family Practice Management
Resource for family medicine facilities. Provides information on coding and billing, patient surveys, progress notes and self-assessment tests.
Journal of the American Board of Family Practice
Bimonthly publication that publishes original papers pertaining to clinical investigations, case reports and review articles pertinent to the specialty of family practice.
Family Practice
International journal aimed at practitioners, teachers and researchers in the fields of family medicine, general practice and primary care in both developed and developing countries.
eBay: Family Medicine Publications
Online marketplace for buying and selling family medicine publications.
New Zealand Family Physician
Official journal of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
Journal of Family Practice Online
Online resource for family physicians. Includes the full text of the JFP Journal Club and software reviews, selected editorials and articles, and links to other medical resources on the Internet.
American Family Physician
Articles regarding clinical areas related to family medicine. Site also provides a journal index and continuing medical education resources.
Archives of Family Medicine
Monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal providing academically sound, clinically practical information for family and general physicians.
Family Medicine Journal
Official journal of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
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