Pharmaceutical on the Net

With a focus on copyright and Resources.

North Carolina Biotechnology Center
The websites used frequently by the library staff of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center are organized here for your use. Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Trademarks
Offers 24 hour online trademark filing to protect company name, logo, slogan, or designs. Filings for the US or Europe.
European Patent Office
The official Web site of the European Patent Office, the executive body of the European Patent Organisation.
Industry Science Resource: Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Program, Patent protection, Data exclusivity, Pharmaceutical Industry Working Group
QPAT•WW has the full text of all U.S. patents issued since Jan. 1, 1974 (over 1.8 million records!). Moreover, full-text European A (1987-present) and B (1991-present) patents have been added to our existing US patent collection.
Datastar- BioBusiness
BioBusiness monitors both business and life science literature for findings and reports of laboratory and clinical research with commercial applications.
Datastar- Current Drugs Fast-Alert
Current Drugs Fast-Alert provides rapid access to informed abstracts and bibliographic data for current pharmaceutical patent documents within ten days of patent availability
Listing of Newly Approved Drug Therapies
FDA Approved Drug Therapies Archives from CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service
Current Drugs
Approx. 180 new patents are added weekly, alerting researchers to potential competitor compounds and providing a complete picture of competitors' early research portfolios.
MicroPatent, LLC
Developer and publisher of patent and trademark databases available on CD-ROM. US Patent Images(R) provides full facsimile copies of all US patents for on-screen viewing or instant printout. US PatentSearch(tm) provides front page bibliographi.
Patent Term Extension and New Patents Docket Number *95S-0117
This file lists new and cumulative (3/7/2000) drug patent and exclusivity information.
Patent Law for Non Lawyers
Information of patents and patent acquiring processes. Written assuming the reader has some knowledge of the principles of genetic engineering and biotechnology
World Intellectual Property Organization (PCT)
Intergovernmental organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among States, and for the administration of various multil.
Derwent Scientific and Patent Information
Provider of patent information with offices in Europe, North America and Japan.
FDA Drug Approvals List
Service by CDER's Division of Data Management and Services. The Drug approvals on this list are verified and published as they become available and at any given time may not contain all FDA drug approvals.
Nb of rev= 15