Pharmaceutical on the Net

With a focus on Engineering consulting and Consulting.

Artisan Industries
Active in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, paper, petroleum, defense, nuclear, and biotechnology industries.
Biotechnology Integrated Research, Development & Engineering
Consultancy, contract research and engineering in the areas of for the fermentation technology and downstream processing.
Operations Concepts, Inc.
Provider of project management and engineering and systems integration consulting specializing in productivity engineering and operations improvements, materials management, packaging systems planning and design and facilities planning and desig.
Offers engineering, development and services for pharma- and biotechnological equipment and plants.
Bodycote Materials Testing
Provides a means of validating products, controlling quality and determining specification compliance.
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Involved in facility and process design for high technology industries such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, specialty chemical, microelectronics and telecommunications.
Honeyman Associates Pharmaceutical Purity Water Systems
Specialist consulting business operating in the field of high-purity water systems for the pharmaceutical industry.
EuTech Scientific Services
Provider of scientific services in the areas of in method development, quality assurance and regulatory compliance.
Ultrapure Group, Ltd.
Provider of high-purity water and high purity fluid processing consulting services. Services range from project design to construction to final validation of the systems. The company also resells a full line of high purity products including m.
St. ONge, Ruff & Associates
Specialized multi-disciplined staff of engineering consultancy in planning, design and construction.
Nb of rev= 10