Medicine references

Find more on surgery apparatus and equipment and Health - equipments and instruments.

Adiramef srl
Medical electromedical devices
166, v. Casalanno - 80010 Quarto (NA) - ITALY - Tel: +39 0818 061 294
Siare hospital supplies
Devices for anesthesthia resuscitation operating theatres - turnkey solutions
18, v. Pastore - 40056 Cresellano (BO) - ITALY - Tel: +39 051 969 802 - Fax: +39 051 969 366
Mattioli engineering italia spa
Laser dermo-abrasive surgical systems
2/A, vl. Machiavelli - 50125 Firenze - ITALY - Tel: +39 055 221 603 - Fax: +39 055 221 735
New and second-hand ultrasound scanners brand names, warranty
3 BIS, r Chene 72610 Arconnay - FRANCE - Tel: +33 233 27 44 44
L.i.c.a. srl
Production: cosmetics, electro-aesthetic and electro-medical equipment for liposuction and micro dermoabrasion + special tattooing chemical
32, c. Susa - 10040 Caselette (TO) - ITALY - Tel: +39 0119 688 997 - Fax: +39 0119 688 700
Smd srl
div. stern podia
8, v. del Lavoro - Quarto Inferiore 40050 Granarolo Emilia (BO) - ITALY - Tel: +39 0516 061 190 - Fax: +39 051 768 895
Sedatelec acupuncture
Manufacturer of medical material - tradutional acupuncture and auricular needles electrical and laser stimulators, detectors
chem Muriers 69540 Irigny - FRANCE - Tel: +33 472 66 33 22
Stainless steel experts. pool accessories, street furniture, stainless steel bathrooms, sterilising units and commercial kitchens.
Instituto urológico balear
Sexual impotence treatment. urine loss treatment urological treatment.
Utrilog internationnal
Fabrication of external low frequency ultrasound for the treatment of lipodystrophy and cellulite used by physiotherapists - nurses - doctors
resid Marie Christine 58, av Caillols 13012 Marseille - FRANCE - Tel: +33 491 87 21 20 - Fax: +33 491 93 84 73
Exper automation spa
Technical/organizational plants for hospitals
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